X series (Carrier Unit) Advance Micro ( Course 22)
CourseThis is a reefer unit, that you would see on a Trailer& Train (rail) . this course will get into detail about the operation & servicing, of this unit. approx. 366 pages of info.
( Thermoking)Thermoguard Course 23
CourseHere is some free Info. that will help someone, this course, covers how to set up the micro on a Thermoking unit using this Micro.
SB 400 Thermoking Screw Compressor Course 24
CourseThis Course we will talking about the Screw compressor, the compressor is different from the other, compressor in these courses. over 200 pages of info. with micro up-vI
Vector 1800mt Electrical Diagram Course 25
CourseElectrical wiring diagram, used with course 8. buy course 8 and get this course free.
TriPack e Course 26
CourseThis is a Thermoking Tripac unit, what sets this unit apart from other units,it doesn't use a diesel motor to power anything, it uses its own battery source, making it emission free.
Vector 5100 course 27
CourseThis is a Carrier unit, very similar to the unit in course 8, this field manual has all the information you need to service & diagnose the unit & has codes specific to this unit.. over 250 pages of info.